Sunday, June 19, 2005

frank zappa on CNN

In the 1980s, musician and activist Frank Zappa twice appeared on CNN's Crossfire (thank you Jon Stewart for helping get rid of that abomination) to discuss music censorship. I need say nothing, as these conversations speak for themselves.

Check out the first interview from 1986 here. The best part: ten minutes into the show Zappa suggests that the biggest threat to the country is not Communism but a move toward a fascist theocracy. It's a shame he didn't get to see the world poor little Dweezil, Moon Unit, Diva, and Ahmet Rodan have inherited.

He also made an appearance a year later.

Sometimes, it's important to have authentic voices on the television who do not wish to engage in the conversational rules the medium tends to impose.

In light of the American telecommunications industry being plagued by conservative punditry, clearly the debate is far from over.

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